Wayback Machine and Cloudflare team up to archive more of the Web

Screenshot of the Internet Archive's home page, describing the site as

Enlarge / Screenshot of the Internet Archive's home page, including the WayBack Machine's search box. (credit: Internet Archive)

The Internet Archive and Cloudflare have teamed up to archive the content of websites that use Cloudflare's Always Online service, increasing the odds that users will be able to view a recent version of a website during outages. The partnership will increase the number of webpages scanned by the Internet Archive, making the organization's Wayback Machine more useful to Internet users in general.

"Websites that enable Cloudflare's Always Online service will now have their content automatically archived, and if by chance the original host is not available to Cloudflare, then the Internet Archive will step in to make sure the pages get through to users," said an announcement by Mark Graham, director of the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine.

Cloudflare says its Always Online feature saves "a limited copy of your cached website to keep it online for your visitors" when the origin server is unavailable, ensuring that a website's "most popular pages are represented." Using the Wayback Machine will improve the Always Online service, Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince said.

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