Essay Writing On Water Pollution

 Essay Writing On Water Pollution

Essay Writing On Water Pollution

Today we will write an essay on water pollution. 

Pollution is the most dangerous and worst form of pollution putting lives in danger the water we drink daily looks very clear however contains various microscopic pollutants almost 71% of Earth is covered with water so a little change in it could affect lives worldwide waterborne diseases resulting from consumption or application of   contaminated water is the leading cause of sickness deaths and hospitalization globally even indirect consumption of contaminated water may cause serious ailments like cancer.

For example eating fishes that have been living in contaminated waters since years may cause heart diseases cancer and other serious ailments water pollution is caused naturally as well as unnatural but major pollution is caused unnaturally by various man-made activities industrial activities by  humans leads to a lot of sewage being generated and laid out of factories to open lands or water bodies in this causes water pollution at a huge level farming activities use a lot of pesticides and insecticides made of harmful chemicals during rains these chemicals get washed and enter water  streams and finally into larger water bodies see which from our residences is let out into water bodies which causes water pollution see and potion water often gets polluted due to oil spillage done by oil carrying ships.

Natural elements like floods and earthquake also caused contamination of water causing water pollution the time has come to strictly enforce the water pollution laws and developed a mechanism for the proper disposal of waste and fight water pollution the unified action of government and society is required to curb out the issue of water pollution. 
