Essay Writing On Republic Day

Essay Writing On Republic Day

Essay Writing On Republic Day

 Today we will write ten lines on Republic Day celebration.

Republic Day is celebrated on 26 January every year to honor the Constitution of India which came into effect on 26 January 1950. 26 January 1950 was the day when India became sovereign Democratic Republic State and it was a great day in the Indian history 26th January was chosen as a republic day to honor leaders and freedom fighters who chose 26 January 1930 as the poor no Suraj give us Republic Day is celebrated across the country in schools institutions private and government offices by hoisting national flag and singing national anthem the main celebration takes place at Raj Path New Delhi where President of India hosts national flag and salutes the tricolour the Armed Forces police and NCC cadets take part in a great grand parade on Republic Day from rajput saluting the president.

India shows its military capabilities by display tanks missiles and warplanes in the parade different states portray the rich culture through tableaus and folk dance every year a representative of foreign country is invited as a chief guest for the Republic Day celebration. citizens across the nation watch the Republic Day celebration on their televisions and feel the matter of great pride and patriotism the beating retreat ceremony is held every year at Reisen
ahel New Delhi on 29 January marking the end of Republic Day ceremony bands of the three wings of Armed Forces perform in front of the President of India and other dignitaries in the bidding retreat ceremony.
