Essay Writing On Harmful Effects Of Plastic

Essay Writing On Harmful Effects Of Plastic

Essay Writing On Harmful Effects Of Plastic

Today we will write essay on harmful effects of plastic.

 Plastic bags are non biodegradable and can pollute our environment for a very long period of time plastic contains toxic compounds like ethylene oxide xylene and benzene research says that a one bag of plastic takes around 500 years to get destroyed naturally certain plastic bags are very reactive and react with food items and release toxins which are very dangerous plastic bags can also cause suffocation to infants and it should always be kept away from children.

Around 1 lakh animals are killed every year by consuming plastic bags recycling of plastic is not easy and it requires too much of resources and byproducts are very dangerous.

Improper disposal of plastic bags can make land infertile and also contaminate groundwater and nearby water resources the litter of plastic bags in the ocean is not allowing air to pass to the marine animals and they are getting suffocated improper waste management of plastic bags are affecting environment only 5% of plastic bags are recovered from the total production and rest 95% are littered many governments around the world have completely banned the commercial use of plastic avoid using plastic see no to plastic bags carry a cotton bag with you to save our environment.
